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Articles Posted in Medical Malpractice

Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) is an autoimmune inflammatory disorder of the peripheral nerves that are located outside of the brain and spinal cord. GBS is distinguished by the sudden onset of numbness, weakness, sensory degeneration, and, in some cases, paralysis of the legs, arms, breathing muscles, and face. The paralysis is ascending, which means it moves up the limbs from the fingers and toes to the torso. Loss of reflexes, such as the knee jerk, is common.  Approximately 50% of cases occur shortly after a viral or bacterial infection, some of which are as simple and common as the flu or food poisoning.

Guillain- Barré syndrome is characterized by the immune system attacking the nerves and causing weakness and tingling in the extremities, eventually leading to paralysis if left untreated  Wrong diagnoses that can mask GBS symptoms include lung infections caused by breathing difficulties, cardiac arrhythmia caused by rapid heartbeat, general weakness caused by anemia and fatigue, neurological disorders, fibromyalgia-like muscular pain, and conditions that mimic Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Guillain- Barré syndrome is a condition that can endanger your nervous system.  Damage to the nervous system can have long-term consequences. Not only is the ability to feel and sense threatened, but so is the ability to control certain bodily functions. As a result, it is critical that healthcare providers prioritize the proper diagnosis of ailments that target this system of the body, or else they could be considered negligent and guilty of malpractice. When GBS is detected early and treated, patients recover completely over time. However, recovery times vary from person to person. Atypical clinical signs and symptoms may delay GBS diagnosis. Early neurological evaluation is linked to better clinical diagnosis and discharge outcomes.  If you or a loved suffered a complication or worsening of the condition due to a misdiagnosis of Guillain- Barré syndrome, or a failure to diagnose it, you could be eligible for damages.  Contact the seasoned medical malpractice attorneys at DeFrancisco & Falgiatano.  We help clients throughout Upstate New York, with offices in multiple convenient locations. Our extensive experience in the medical malpractice field is reflected in the results we have achieved for our clients.

Radiation is used to treat or diagnose a wide range of diseases that affect today’s population. Common tests in hospitals and emergency rooms require radiation, and treatment for certain types of cancer necessitates prolonged, intense exposure. However, this treatment may cause complications. Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS) is a short-term illness caused by irradiating the entire body with a high dose of penetrating radiation in a matter of minutes. Many tests use radiation to determine what is going on inside the body. X-rays and CT scans are two common diagnostic tools. However, the radiation itself is dangerous to patients’ health. When patients are subjected to an excessive number of tests, they may be exposed to a radiation overdose. It is far too easy for this to happen because the doctor and technicians’ primary concern is not what is safe for the patient, but rather obtaining a clear picture so that a diagnosis can be made. Patients are frequently exposed to dangerously high levels of radiation in the name of obtaining a clear picture, which is grounds for a lawsuit.

While the causes of action for radiation overdose are not exaggerated in any way, some symptoms are widely accepted as part of the risk. Fatigue is a very common side effect of radiation treatment, and it can also appear after several CT scans in a short period of time. Hair loss and low blood pressure are two other side effects. In most cases, all of these are regarded as acceptable risks in the context of treatment. However, if you have unusual symptoms or even normal side effects to a higher degree, this could indicate radiation poisoning. Low blood pressure is a common side effect of radiation treatment, but if it appears sooner than one to two weeks after treatment or lasts longer than a few days, it could be an indication of an overdose. Radiation overdose or radiation sickness can result in tissue damage, dangerously low blood pressure, significant hair loss, and other potentially debilitating symptoms such as bloody stools, skin burns and tissue damage, dizziness, hair loss, headaches, fatigue, fever, low blood pressure, nausea, and vomiting.  Serious radiation overexposure can also result in cancer and death.

If you or a loved one has suffered from radiation-related injuries, you should contact the experienced medical malpractice attorneys at DeFrancisco & Falgiatano. Our highly experienced medical malpractice attorneys may be able to assist you in obtaining the compensation you deserve.  We serve clients throughout Upstate New York and have offices in several convenient locations. Our extensive experience in the field of medical malpractice is reflected in the results we have obtained for our clients.

Unborn babies, like adults, come in all shapes and sizes. The shape and size of an adult can have a significant impact on their overall health. Being too big or too small in an unborn baby can cause serious problems, potentially for both the baby and the mother, before, during, and after birth.

When a baby weighs more than 8 pounds, 13 ounces at birth or any time before birth, this is referred to as fetal macrosomia. It also refers to an unborn child who weighs 90% or more of the average for a baby of the same gestational age.  A baby can be… large at times. However, the doctor should closely monitor the fetal size of the baby, as well as any conditions or complicating factors for the mother.

Standard prenatal care includes fundal height measurements and ultrasounds to determine the amount of amniotic fluid present. Ultrasounds can also be used to measure the baby and provide information about the baby’s size. If your doctor fails to perform routine testing, or if they do but misinterpret or ignore the results, it could be considered malpractice if a negative outcome occurs, such as injury to the mother or baby as a result of the missed information.  The vaginal delivery of a baby with macrosomia may result in birth injuries to either the baby or the mother.  Your baby could be born with low blood sugar, develop childhood obesity, and develop metabolic syndrome, which includes high blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat, and abnormal cholesterol. If a doctor suspects that a baby has macrosomia, he or she can and should take precautions to protect both the baby and the mother.

Muscular dystrophy is a group of more than 30 genetic conditions that affect muscle function and cause progressive weakness and muscle mass loss. These conditions are a type of myopathy or skeletal muscle disorder.  In muscular dystrophy, abnormal genes disrupt the production of proteins required for the formation of healthy muscle. In the United States, the total number of cases ranges from 16 to 25 per 100,000 people. The symptoms of the most common type of muscular dystrophy appear in childhood, mostly in boys. Other types do not emerge until adulthood. There is no cure, but medications and therapy can help manage symptoms and slow the progression of the disease.  Muscular dystrophy, depending on the type, can impair your ability to move, walk, and perform daily activities. It can also have an impact on the muscles that help your heart and lungs function.

Certain genetic disorders, among other things, can cause a temporary illness, permanent defects, or the need for lifelong treatment. Muscular dystrophy is one such genetic disorder that leaves the sufferer with a condition that worsens over time and typically reduces the victim’s lifespan. Depending on the type of muscular dystrophy, a person diagnosed may be able to receive treatment that alleviates symptoms and even extends life. However, early detection of the disease increases the chances of more effective treatment and a longer, higher-quality life. Genetic screening for the condition that occurs during pregnancy can help parents prepare for and treat their children’s disease. The discovery that your child has muscular dystrophy is undoubtedly devastating. You might not consider suing for wrongful birth or pediatric malpractice during such stressful times, but you should be aware of your options. Knowing that you can afford your child’s lifetime needs and improve their quality of life as much as possible can be a huge relief. DeFrancisco & Falgiatano’s exceptional legal team may be able to help you obtain financial support from those who have inflicted unnecessary suffering. Knowing what you can do to recover your damages is critical to your peace of mind; we encourage you to learn more by speaking with an experienced wrongful birth and malpractice lawyer.  We serve clients throughout Upstate New York and have offices in several convenient locations. Our extensive experience in the field of medical malpractice is reflected in the results we have obtained for our clients.

Some types of muscular dystrophy are present at birth or develop later in life. Other forms emerge in adulthood.  There are over 30 different types of muscular dystrophy. Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD) are two of the more common types.

Many people suffer from conditions that necessitate monitoring and the assistance of a medical device to maintain and regulate vital body functions. These devices can often save a patient’s life if used correctly and function as intended. Unfortunately, when mistakes happen, the consequences for the patient and their families can be severe.  Few people expect machines, equipment, or tools used by healthcare professionals to cause us undue harm or to exacerbate medical problems.

Medical devices have the potential to save lives. A well-designed and manufactured medical device that is properly sterilized, used, and monitored can be invaluable in assisting doctors in diagnosing and treating patients. However, there is a risk of harm to the patient when defective medical devices are used or negligent care is provided.  Unfortunately, medical device errors can sometimes cause serious harm to patients. You may be able to recover damages if you believe you were injured as a result of a medical device error.  DeFrancisco & Falgiatano’s skilled Upstate New York medical malpractice attorneys can assess your chances of recovering damages through legal action.  We serve clients throughout Upstate New York and have offices in several convenient locations. Our extensive experience in the field of medical malpractice is reflected in the results we have obtained for our clients.

From basic hospital supplies and lab equipment to advanced technological aids like internal monitors and artificial body parts and organs, medical devices cover it all. According to Consumer Reports, even though tens of millions of patients rely on these types of devices to diagnose, manage, and maintain a variety of health conditions, these products are loosely regulated and frequently lack thorough testing before being released to the public. Because there is little regulation or standardized procedure for reporting potential problems, medical device defects and errors frequently go undetected until a significant number of patients are injured or killed.

Intubation is the technique of placing a tube into a patient’s airway to ensure they obtain enough oxygen when they can’t breathe on their own. While intubation can be a life-saving medical operation and is frequently performed during surgery, it is a difficult process in which even little mistakes can have serious, if not fatal, effects. If you have suffered an airway injury or an intubation error, contact one of the experienced malpractice attorneys at DeFrancisco & Falgiatano to see if you have a claim for compensation. We help clients throughout Upstate New York, with offices in multiple convenient locations. Our extensive experience in the medical malpractice field is reflected in the results we have achieved for our clients.

Failure to properly place the tracheal tube is a typical intubation mistake. When nurses and anesthesiologists make intubation errors, the airway might be lacerated or not enough oxygen is supplied. Intubation errors and medical carelessness can result in nerve damage, airway injury, and death. Airway injuries are a well-known anesthetic consequence. Many adverse respiratory events have been reported to the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA). Laryngeal, pharyngeal, and esophageal injuries are common. In general, intubation allows doctors to study airways or help patients breathe. Complications can include vocal cord damage, infection, fluid buildup, throat injuries, tearing of chest tissues resulting in lung collapse, tooth injury, dental work damage, and aspiration. When a doctor conducts intubation in an emergency, complications are more likely. Yet, intubation is sometimes a life-saving procedure.

When errors occur during the intubation process, they can include the tube not being properly positioned within the esophagus; tubes becoming detached, kinked, bent, or dislodged; tubes becoming overinflated, and tubing puncturing the sensitive tissues of the mouth and airways. When such intubation errors occur, they can cause potentially catastrophic damage to patients. Some of the possible complications include traumatic brain injury when intubation errors cut off people’s supply of vital oxygen, internal bleeding and/or nerve damage when tubing punctures patients’ tissues, irregular heartbeat and/or stroke, severe infections when intubation errors and their resulting complications go unnoticed or untreated.

Urgent Care facilities are also known as Walk-In Care, Quick Care, and Convenient Care Centers. Whichever name they go by, their role and goal are the same: to provide medical treatment to individuals suffering from acute diseases or mild trauma. There is no need for an appointment to see a doctor, and the hours of operation are longer than those of a doctor’s office, particularly at night and on weekends. Patients with significant, life-threatening, or permanently debilitating conditions are not accepted at urgent care centers. Urine tests, pregnancy tests, rapid strep tests to diagnose strep throat, minor headaches, cough or sore throat, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, scrapes, bumps, ear or sinus pain, eye irritation, burning with urination, animal bites, and foreign objects in the eye or nose are among the basic services provided at an urgent care center. When necessary, medical personnel can use stitches and sutures to repair wounds. Some facilities can do blood testing and may have X-ray machines. If a break is discovered, emergency room personnel can place patients in casts before referring them to an orthopedist for further treatment. If you were hurt as a result of urgent care malpractice, contact the experienced medical malpractice attorneys at DeFrancisco & Falgiatano. We help clients throughout Upstate New York, with offices in multiple convenient locations.  Our extensive experience in the medical malpractice field is reflected in the results we have achieved for our clients. It is critical to get legal representation as soon as possible after being harmed in order to file a legitimate claim within the applicable statute of limitations.

It’s simple to see why urgent care clinics are popular alternatives to hospital emergency rooms when it comes to treating burns, abrasions, muscle sprains and strains, broken bones, doing medical imaging and other tests, and more. Because of their growing popularity, you are likely to find several within a short drive of your home. That can be beneficial if you find yourself in need of medical assistance with shorter wait times and a lower financial outlay than standard ER care. Due to the lack of appointment requirements and longer hours of operation, some people prefer urgent care medical clinics to primary care physicians or packed emergency departments. Urgent care clinics are becoming so popular that they are exceeding traditional emergency rooms in terms of patient use.

Urgent care clinics have revolutionized the way many Americans seek medical attention, but the greater accessibility of healthcare is not without concerns that are particular to the urgent care environment. Most medical personnel in urgent care centers treat individuals without the patient’s complete medical histories. During each visit, the patient must supply information about their allergies, chronic diseases, and medications. If the urgent care facility operates independently of nearby hospitals or medical facilities, it may have limited access to patient medical records. There is no ongoing physician-patient interaction. Individuals who are seen and diagnosed at an urgent care clinic are recommended to see their primary care physician or a specialist for follow-up. Urgent care centers are not intended to replace primary care physicians.

Chiropractic care has become increasingly popular in recent years as an alternative to traditional medical treatments. While many chiropractors provide excellent care to their patients, there are instances where their actions can cause harm. Chiropractic malpractice occurs when a chiropractor fails to provide the appropriate standard of care, resulting in injury or harm to the patient.  However, a chiropractor’s negligence could lead to serious injuries or even wrongful death. If you have suffered an injury due to chiropractor malpractice, the lawyers at DeFrancisco & Falgiatano are here for you. We help clients throughout the Upstate New York area with offices in multiple convenient locations. Our extensive experience in the medical malpractice field is reflected in the results we have achieved for our clients.

Millions of people see a chiropractor every year for help treating chronic conditions. Like all healthcare providers, chiropractors are obligated to adhere to the accepted standards of care within the medical community. Their failure to do so can result in liability for any injuries that are sustained as a result.  The chiropractic profession has its own standard of care, which holds chiropractors responsible for injuries at a higher level than a non-chiropractor.  The standard of care does require competency in the field. The standard of care looks at the chiropractor’s knowledge at the time of treatment. For example, if you have osteoporosis and do not tell your chiropractor, you cannot hold the chiropractor responsible for injuries resulting from the treatment.

Chiropractic misdiagnosis occurs when a chiropractor fails to correctly identify a patient’s condition or misinterprets the symptoms, leading to an incorrect diagnosis. This can result in ineffective or harmful treatment, as the chiropractor may be treating a condition that the patient does not have or may not be addressing the underlying issue. Misdiagnosis can occur for a variety of reasons, including a lack of training, inadequate patient history, or misinterpretation of imaging tests. The consequences of misdiagnosis can be serious for patients. They may receive unnecessary or inappropriate treatments for their condition, which can lead to prolonged pain, disability, and even further harm. In some cases, misdiagnosis can be life-threatening.  If chiropractic treatment was provided for a headache when a patient actually had peripheral artery disease and should have been referred to a medical specialist, and he died as a result of a heart attack during treatment, there may be chiropractic malpractice and wrongful death claim.

Clinical labs are staffed by medical doctors, assistants, phlebotomists, and technicians who take the samples, run the tests and analyze the results. They send reports to physicians and other medical professionals. Laboratory technicians are responsible for the collecting, handling, and testing of samples, then interpreting, recording, and reporting test results. Results from lab tests are used to diagnose, treat, and monitor disease states in patients. The results of these tests must be accurate, understandable, and delivered promptly. However, a doctor may be held liable for laboratory malpractice if he or she fails to order the correct test for a patient.  If you were harmed by improper procedures or interpretation of lab results, you should call the seasoned Rochester medical malpractice lawyers of DeFrancisco & Falgiatano Personal Injury Lawyers.

Lab technicians and physicians work together to diagnose diseases and illnesses, prescribe medications, and plan treatment for individuals.  The outcome of lab results is critical to a patient’s well-being. Healthcare providers are required to appropriately order, administer, interpret, and provide lab results to patients. Unfortunately, these providers sometimes depart from the professional standard of care.  The medical standard of care refers to the type of care that a reasonably skilled and competent medical provider with a similar level of education within the same area would have provided to a patient under the same treatment circumstances in which the alleged malpractice occurred. In other words, the accepted standard of care would be the care that you might expect to receive from an average doctor in the same field of practice under the same circumstances. The doctor’s medical knowledge and specialty are taken into account when determining the standard of care that should have been applied.

There are thousands of medical laboratories around the country, many of them in-house at hospitals and medical centers, and patients rely on their expertise and accuracy in times of need. Medical labs serve a crucial purpose and receiving proper diagnostic tests can be the difference between an accurate, timely diagnosis, a delayed diagnosis, or a misdiagnosis.  Regardless of whether it is a hospital lab or a third-party outsourced lab, medical professionals and hospitals must provide correct information to patients.

In a country where doctors, nurses, and pharmacists are well-educated and trained, we don’t expect them to make mistakes. Unfortunately, pharmacists are just as likely to make errors at their job as anyone else.  Research shows that up to 10% of prescriptions are filled erroneously. Whether the error is filling the wrong prescription, inaccurately filling a prescription, or failing to provide patients with the necessary information, these errors can be detrimental to patients.  Of the hundreds of prescriptions pharmacists fill every day, it’s no surprise that mistakes happen.  Pharmacy malpractice happens frequently in the United States. Between 1 and 1.5 million Americans are injured from medication errors each year. Close to 50% of Americans take prescription medication at least once a month. This means that around 1 in 100 prescriptions will cause an injury. Elderly persons and those with limited access to healthcare may be affected by pharmacy malpractice injuries at higher rates. The most common cause of pharmacy malpractice is distraction, accounting for an estimated 75% of cases. Medication malpractice leads to an additional $3.5 billion in additional medical costs each year. 100% of those injured by pharmacist errors can reach out to a pharmacy malpractice lawyer for help. The seasoned Syracuse and Rochester area attorneys at  DeFrancisco & Falgiatano Personal Injury Lawyers can review your case to see if you may have a valid claim against the pharmacy/pharmacist for dispensing the incorrect medication.

Individuals place great trust in pharmacists to properly mix and dispense medications. A pharmacist is also responsible for double-checking medications which are prepared by technicians, who can be inexperienced and low-paid employees. Pharmacists are specialists and are expected to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with a reasonable person with similar education and training. They must exercise judgment concerning a patient’s use of medications, drug interactions, and refills.

Shockingly, every day people receive incorrect prescriptions from their local pharmacy. The errors usually occur when the wrong medicine is prescribed, the pharmacy fills the prescription with the incorrect medication, or the wrong dosage of the correct prescription is dispensed. Many times, the effects of the wrong medication are minor, unfortunately, many incorrect prescriptions result in injuries that are not so benign. Some situations end in the patient dying from the medication error.

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